Monday, June 28, 2010

The Most Boring Day Ever

Today, I did basically absolutely nothing.

I slept 15 hours, and my face feels a little bit better, but I'm worried about infection still, so I'll wait till tomorrow to shower.

I stay inside for most of the day, but we go to Despar and all of us make hamburgers for dinner.

The meat tasted sooo good. I haven't really had meat at all since I've been here.

Roman and I watch the ARG V. MEX game. It was a fun game to watch.

Now I'm tired and completely addicted to tetris.

Oh! And I made everyone sing today. It was interesting to say the least. Molly is NOT dumb.

Tomorrow I need to go to the optometrist, and hopefully shower in the morning.


  1. what diddd happen to your face?!?! and i like that your blog is pink. and very random. :P
    ps. tetris is bad for your soullll... i used to play so much that when i closed my eyes, i could see tetris pieces falling -.-"
