Saturday, June 26, 2010


"Shurui's all about love this trip."

This is true.

Even though my face will probably permanently scar, I'm touched by the fact that I'm incredibly close to everyone here. We've only been here one week!

Anyways -

Today, we went to the beach.

Morning was absolutely nightmarish. My face felt as if it was ironed. Daniel couldn't wake up to 3 alarms, and we had to rush to get to the meeting spot on time.

The day is cloudless.

We rode the 23 past some pyramids (who knew Romans had pyramids) and got to the train station. From there, it was a quick ride to Ostia.

The ruins were stunningly beautiful. Though not as impressive as the Roman forum, the floor plan of the city are beautifully preserved, and one can really see how an Roman city is laid out. Also, there were no tourists there.

My pictures are very good. Thanks for the SD card save Zinnia.

Then we went to the beach! The pay beach cost 3 euros, but it was well worth the price. The water was nice and warm, not at all disgusting like I thought it would be.

I didn't bring my shorts though, so I couldn't go swimming with everyone else.

Also, about 12004 immigrants selling random ware came by us.

Yuting, Katie, Rebecca, Maggie, and I leave early. I was already exhausted on the train ride back.

When we got back to the Ponte Sisto, I took Katie and Rebecca to Puuta Sma for the first time. Oh yeah. They were amazed.

After that, we parted ways. I came back and hastily ate dinner. After I crank out my daily blog post for art history, it's off to the USA v. Ghana game at Magnolia again.

Ghana did play significantly better, to be honest.

I'm tired now. I think the cut on my hand might be infected. For now, it's time to rest.

1 comment:

  1. "Also, about 12004 immigrants selling random ware came by us."

    lol. i'm glad you counted. bring me back a random immigrant souvenir! XP
